BFHC Community Health Representative


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August 2011:
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The Community Health Representative (CHR) program is aimed at taking a proactive role in planning, developing and implementing health promotion and health education activities. This is accomplished through clinics, workshops and activities which ensure aboriginal cultural values are maintained. The main role is to motivate community members to participate in health programs and to assume active responsibility for improving and maintaining optimum level of health and contribute to improved community health conditions.

The CHR provides health advocacy, referral and development services that benefits Beausoleil First Nation members. The CHR takes the lead role in developing and implementing new health programs and initiatives and provides assistance with proposal development. They work as part of a multi-disciplinary team while at the same time exhibiting a strong sense of personal integrity and character in order to mentor community members.

Some of the main roles of the CHR are:

Services and Service Providers through CHR

Who do you talk to?
Rebecca Marchildon
Community Health Representative
705-247-2035 Ext. 328